TC4S:\W\Worden Brothers, Inc (\Worden Training Video Library_\TC2000 Version 7 Tutorial Videos\02 - Chart Readers Playground

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NameSizeDate Modified
01 - Scrolling Around Timeframes and Lists.mp412,238 KB8/22/2013 5:58 AM
02 - A Few Timesaving Shortcuts.mp47,098 KB8/22/2013 6:12 AM
03 - Visual Indicator Sorting - Effortless Control.mp414,788 KB8/22/2013 6:12 AM
04 - More Muscle with Visual Moves.mp422,683 KB8/22/2013 6:13 AM
05 - Strength in Numbers - Comparing Two Indicators.mp436,824 KB8/22/2013 6:12 AM
06 - Busting Envelope and Regression Channels.mp426,889 KB8/22/2013 6:13 AM
07 - Creating Custom Indicators - Expanding Volume by example.mp444,824 KB8/22/2013 6:12 AM
08 - Creating the Expanding Volume template in 5 minutes.mp410,112 KB8/22/2013 6:13 AM