TC4S:\Online Trading Academy\XLT\XLT-MTMG (Mastering the Mental Game)\2010\2010-08
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Date Modified
XLT-MTMG-20100831 - Dr. Woody Johnson - Mind Filters - Submodalities - Mapping Across - The Swish - Changing Beliefs.jar
31,688 KB
10/30/2010 11:41 AM
XLT-MTMG-20100827 - Dr. Woody Johnson - Interactive Discovery.jar
26,852 KB
10/30/2010 11:41 AM
XLT-MTMG-20100824 - Dr. Woody Johnson - Self-Sabotage & The Four Fatal Fears.jar
32,840 KB
10/30/2010 11:41 AM
XLT-MTMG-20100817 - Dr. Woody Johnson - The Emotional Freedom Technique.jar
31,849 KB
10/30/2010 11:41 AM
XLT-MTMG-20100813 - Dr. Woody Johnson - The C&A Model of Results - The SCC Tool - The Power of Passion - The Dual Brain.jar
50,818 KB
10/30/2010 11:41 AM
XLT-MTMG-20100810 - Dr. Woody Johnson - The Macro Trading Plan – Your Business Plan.jar
30,546 KB
10/30/2010 11:41 AM
XLT-MTMG-20100806 - Dr. Woody Johnson - Identifying the Tools of Self-Discipline Part 2.jar
37,899 KB
10/30/2010 11:40 AM
XLT-MTMG-20100803 - Dr. Woody Johnson - Identifying the Tools of Self-Discipline Part 1.jar
38,264 KB
10/30/2010 11:40 AM