TC4S:\MetaTrader\Donchian Salper 1.0 - (\Presets

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NameSizeDate Modified
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs m5.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:39 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs m5 reverse.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:40 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs m5 reverse bis.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:41 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs m5 bis.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:40 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs m30.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:39 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs m30 reverse.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:40 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs m30 reverse bis.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:41 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs m30 bis.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:40 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs m15.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:39 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs m15 reverse.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:40 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs m15 reverse bis.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:41 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs m15 bis.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:40 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs h4.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:40 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs h4 reverse.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:40 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs h4 reverse bis.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:41 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs h1.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:39 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs h1 reverse.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:40 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs h1 reverse bis.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:41 PM
the donchian scalper 1.0 12 pairs h1 bis.set2 KB9/26/2009 5:40 PM