TC4S:\L\Larry Pesavento |
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Larry Pesavento & Leslie Jouflas - Trade What You See How To Profit from Pattern Recognition | | 11/13/2011 1:25 AM |
Larry Pesavento & Leslie Jouflas - Trade What You See How To Profit from Pattern Recognition_ | | 10/31/2012 11:08 PM |
Larry Pesavento & Steve Shapiro - Combust | | 6/28/2011 1:59 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Artificial Intelligence | | 6/28/2011 1:59 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Astro Cycles - The Trader's Viewpoint | | 6/28/2011 1:59 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Astro Cycles - The Trader's Viewpoint_ | | 11/13/2011 1:25 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Astro Cycles. The Trader's Viewpoint | | 10/31/2012 11:08 PM |
Larry Pesavento - Fibonacci Ratios with Pattern Recognition | | 2/25/2014 2:01 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Fibonacci Ratios with Pattern Recognition_ | | 11/13/2011 1:25 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Harmonic Vibrations | | 6/28/2011 1:59 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Opening Price Principle | | 6/28/2011 1:59 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Planetary Harmonics of Speculative Markets | | 2/25/2014 2:01 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Planetary Harmonics of Speculative Markets_ | | 11/13/2011 1:25 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Profitable Patterns for Stock Trading | | 2/25/2014 2:01 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Profitable Patterns for Stock Trading_ | | 11/13/2011 1:25 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Trade What You See, Not What You Believe (Traders Expo Las Vegas Dec 2005 ) | | 6/28/2011 1:59 AM |
Larry Pesavento & Leslie Jouflas - Trade What You See How To Profit from Pattern Recognition.pdf | 5,323 KB | 5/8/2012 9:16 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Astro Cycles. The Trader's Viewpoint.pdf | 9,360 KB | 5/8/2012 9:12 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Fibonacci Ratios With Pattern Recognition [Traders Press].pdf | 2,396 KB | 5/8/2012 9:13 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Fibonacci Ratios with Pattern Recognition.pdf | 2,396 KB | 5/8/2012 9:13 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Planetary Harmonics Of Speculative Markets [Traders Press].pdf | 6,842 KB | 5/8/2012 9:14 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Planetary Harmonics of Speculative Markets.pdf | 6,842 KB | 5/8/2012 9:14 AM |
Larry Pesavento - Profitable Patterns for Stock Trading.pdf | 10,900 KB | 5/8/2012 9:15 AM |