TC4S:\J\John Carter (\John Carter - SimplerOptions - End of Year Tax Loss Selling Course 2013 $297

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NameSizeDate Modified
TOS Scan and Active Trader Info.pdf334 KB1/27/2014 9:58 PM
TLS Trades.xlsx10 KB1/27/2014 9:58 PM
Tax Loss Selling Slides_Final.pptx401 KB1/27/2014 9:58 PM
Tax Loss Selling Slides_Final.pdf395 KB1/27/2014 9:58 PM
Potential Stocks.xlsx10 KB1/27/2014 9:58 PM
Notes.txt2 KB1/27/2014 9:58 PM
Day2.rar1,039,770 KB12/31/2013 8:40 PM
Day1.rar220,538 KB12/31/2013 8:50 PM
Website1/21/2014 9:50 PM
Day24/29/2019 4:36 PM
Day11/15/2014 12:50 AM