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NameSizeDate Modified
Howard B.Bandy - Quantitative Trading Systems (,242 KB1/6/2014 1:59 AM
Hima Reddy - Trading Methodologies of W.D. Gann - A Guide To Building Your Technical Analysis Toolbox.pdf6,412 KB3/3/2014 5:52 PM
hidden-divergence.rar7,169 KB6/10/2014 1:33 AM
Haytham Albizem - One of Gann´s Secrets Unveiled.pdf575 KB2/27/2006 7:32 PM
Hung-Gay Fung - Advances in International Investments_11/9/2011 7:03 PM
Hung-Gay Fung - Advances In International Investments10/31/2012 8:33 PM
Humphrey Neill - Tape Reading & Market Tactics2/25/2014 1:59 AM
Humberto Barreto - Introductory Econometrics6/27/2011 10:32 PM
Hugo Daems - Planning & Financing11/11/2011 6:39 AM
Hughes & Cotterell - Software Project Management 2nd Edition12/8/2011 4:10 AM
Hugh Davidson - The Committed Enterprise (Revised Edition)2/16/2014 10:14 PM
Hugh Courtney, Jane Kirkland & S. Patrick Viguerie - Strategy In Uncertainty6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Hugh Anderson - Bulls & Bears6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Hudson Institute - China´s New Great Leap Forward6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Hubert Senters1/9/2020 5:53 AM
Hubb Financial ( 1:11 AM
Hrishikesh Vinrod - Preparing for the Worst2/25/2014 1:59 AM
Hrishikesh Vinod - Preparing for the Worst. Incorporing Downside Risk in Stock Market Investment6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Hrishikesh Vinod & Derrick Reagle Preparing for the Worst Incorporating Downside Risk in Stock Market Investments10/31/2012 11:08 PM
Hrishikesh Vinod & Derrick Reagle - Preparing for the Worst Incorporating Downside Risk in Stock Market Investments6/27/2011 9:53 PM
Hoyt Barber - Secrets of Swiss Banking6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Hoyle - The Game In WallStreet & How to Play it Successfully6/27/2011 10:32 PM
Howard Shilit - Financial Shenanigans6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Howard Ruff - Safely Prosperous or Really Rich11/13/2011 9:32 AM
Howard Eisner - Managing Complex Systems6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Howard Bandy - Quantitative Trading Systems ( 1:59 AM
Howard Bandy - Modeling Trading System Performance1/6/2014 1:51 AM
Howard Bandy - Introduction to Amibroker ( 2:16 AM
Howard Abell - The Sixth Market. The Electronic Investor Revolution10/31/2012 11:08 PM
Howard Abell - The Sixth Market - The Electronic Investor Revolution2/11/2010 8:23 PM
Howard Abell - Spread Trading2/25/2014 1:59 AM
Howard Abell - Digital DayTrading6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Howard Abell - Digital Day Trading. Moving from One Winning Stock Position to the Next2/25/2014 1:59 AM
How to Use the Lunation6/28/2011 1:44 AM
How to Use Fractals to Profitably Enter the Market6/28/2011 1:44 AM
How to Trade Gartley & Butterfly Reversal Patterns ( 1:44 AM
How to Trade E-Minis ( 4:59 PM
How to Develop a Profitable Trading System ( 1:44 AM
How to Design, Test and Implement a Winning Trading Strategy (Metadata File)12/8/2011 4:10 AM
How the Gann Wheel is Arranged6/28/2011 1:44 AM
How Investors Can Make 500 to 1000 a Day Trading Forex & Eminis with as Litle as 5k ( 6:54 AM
Hoss Motalaby - Stocks Surfers6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Hosam Ki - Option Pricing Under Extended Normal Distribution6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Hong and Wang - Trading & Returns Under Market Closure6/28/2011 1:44 AM
HomeTrader Start Fast On Option & CFD Trading Course ( 10:32 PM
Home Options Trading2/16/2014 10:10 PM
Home Investor Online - Making Profits in Flips 1.06/28/2011 1:44 AM
Holdem Indicator12/8/2011 4:10 AM
Hoadley Finance7/28/2010 10:43 PM
Hiram Butler - Solar Biology (1921)2/25/2014 1:59 AM
Hilton McCann - Offshore Finance11/13/2011 1:54 PM
Hilary Kramer - The Little Book of Big Profits from Small Stocks plus Website12/8/2012 2:37 PM
Hilarie Belloc - Economics for Helen11/11/2011 6:48 AM
High Probability Option Trading - Seasonal Straddles, CD ( 10:43 AM
High Probability Option Trading - Covered Calls and Credit Spreads, CD11/1/2012 10:43 AM
High Probability Option Trading - Calendar Spreads, CD11/1/2012 10:43 AM
High Probability Option Trading2/16/2014 10:10 PM
High Performance Global ( 9:49 PM
High Beta Stock System6/28/2011 1:44 AM
hidden-divergence6/10/2014 1:33 AM
HGSi ( 3:46 PM
Heru Sataputera - Black & Sholes Option Pricing Using 3 Volatility Models6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Hersh Shefrin - Beyond Greed & Fear2/25/2014 1:59 AM
Hersh Shefrin - A Behavioral Approach to Asset Princing11/13/2011 1:38 PM
Herman Bierens - Introduction to the Mathematical and Statistical Foundations of Econometrics6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Herman Berendsen - A Student's Guide to Data Error Analysis10/31/2012 8:40 PM
Herm Edwards & Shelley Smith - You Play to Win the Game6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Henry Weingarten - Investing by the Stars6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Henry Montgomery - How Professionals Make Decisions6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Henry Mintzberg - Managers Not MBAs6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Henry Mark Holzer - The Layman's Guide to Tax Evasion6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Henry Mark Holzer - Government's Money Monopoly6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Henry Ludwell Moore - Economic Cycles - Their Law & Cause6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Henry Liu - News Profiteer System Manual & Members Area Videos ( 3:55 PM
Henry Lane - The Blackwell Handbook of Global Management6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Henry Hebeler - Getting Started in a Financially Secure Retirement6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Henry Hazlitt - The Failure of the New Economics6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Henry Hazlitt - Economics in One Lesson6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Henry Coley - Key to the Whole Art of Astrology6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Henry Clews and Victor Niederhoffer - Fifty Years in Wall Street2/25/2014 1:59 AM
Henry Clews - Fifty Years in Wall Street11/13/2011 3:02 PM
Henry Clasing - The Dow Jones-Irwin Guide to Put and Call Options6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Henry Casper - Pax Tecum6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Hendrik Houthakker - The Economics of Financial Markets6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Hendrik Blok - On the Nature of the Stock Market6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Hemant Kale - The Magic & Logic of Elliott Waves6/27/2011 10:28 PM
Helyette Geman - Commodities & Commodity Derivatives6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Heinz Zimmermann - Capital Asset Pricing Model & Mutual Fund Perfomance Studies6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Heinrich Kramer & James Sprenger - The Malleus Maleficarum6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Hedge Master Forex ( 2:48 AM
Hector Deville ( 12:08 AM
Heather Ball - Money Management All-in-one-desk Reference for Canadians for Dummies (2nd Ed.)6/27/2011 10:26 PM
Haytham Albizem - One of Gann´s Secrets Unveiled6/7/2020 3:24 AM
Harvey Walsh - Day Trading Freedom Course & Members Area Videos ( 10:26 PM
Harvey Houtkin - Wall Street´s Buried Treasure6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Harvey Houtkin - Secrets of Soes Bandit2/25/2014 1:59 AM
Harvey Cohn - Advanced Number Theory6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Harvard Business Review on Managing Diversity6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Harvard Business Review on Advances in Strategy6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Harry Schultz11/4/2017 2:48 AM
Harry Roberts - Stock Market Patterns Financial Analysis6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Harry Richardson - Road Congestion Princing in Europe11/11/2011 6:51 AM
Harry Mamaysky & Jiang Wang - Foundations of Technical Analysis Computational Algorithms6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Harry Henderson - Mathematics - Powerful Patterns into Nature & Society6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Harry Gunn - Investment Euphoria & Money Madness6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Harry Domash - The Online Investing Book6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Harry Domash - Fire Your Stock Analyst6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Harry Dent3/30/2019 7:45 AM
Harrison Hong11/4/2017 2:46 AM
Harold Stevenson - Profits in the Modern Economy11/11/2011 6:45 AM
Harold Kerzner11/4/2017 2:46 AM
Harold Goldberg11/4/2017 2:45 AM
Harold Gartley - Profits in the Stock Market6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Harold Bierman11/4/2017 2:46 AM
Harmonic Stock Clock ( 1:44 AM
Hari Swaminathan - OptionTiger ( 5:51 PM
Hardvard Business Review on Marketing6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Hans-Werner Sinn - Casino Capitalism - How the Financial Crisis Came About and What Needs to be Done Now10/31/2012 8:40 PM
Hans Visser - A Guide to International Monetary Economics6/28/2011 1:44 AM
Hans Sennholz - Money & Freedom6/27/2011 10:26 PM
Hans Hannula ( 9:06 AM
Hank Pruden5/5/2014 3:39 AM
Hamzei Analytics - Trade Options Like a DPM with The Admiral Webinar Series ( 10:26 PM
Hamparsum Bozdogan - Statistical Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery6/28/2011 1:42 AM
Hamid Etemad - International Entrepreneurship in Small & Medium Sized Enterprises6/28/2011 1:42 AM
Hallikers Inc11/4/2017 2:47 AM
Hal Varian - Intermediate Microeconomics11/13/2011 2:34 PM
Hal Masover - Value Investing King of Trading Methods in the Commodity Markets11/9/2011 6:04 PM
Hal Masover - The 200% Model - Investing for Inner and Outer Prosperity6/28/2011 12:47 AM
Hacking Penny Stocks4/2/2021 11:14 AM
Ha-Joon Chang - Financial Liberalization & the Asian Crisis11/13/2011 10:17 AM
H.S. Kehal & V.P. Singh - Digital Economy. Impacts, Influences and Challenges6/28/2011 1:42 AM
H.N. Seyhun - Investment Intelligence from Insider Trading6/28/2011 1:42 AM
H.J. Wolf - Studies in Stock Speculation (Volume I & II)6/28/2011 1:42 AM
H.J. Kerns - Prophetic Time of the Ages6/28/2011 1:42 AM
H.G. Schuster - The Handbook of Chaos Control6/28/2011 1:42 AM
H.G. Schuster - Deterministic Chaos6/28/2011 1:42 AM
H.D. Vinod - Preparing for the Worst6/28/2011 1:42 AM
H.D. Vinod & D.P. Reagle - Preparing for the Worst. Incorporating Downside Risk in Stock Market Investments6/28/2011 1:42 AM
H.B. Wilson - Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB (2nd.Ed.)6/28/2011 1:42 AM
H. Peter Gray - The Exhaustion of the Dollar11/11/2011 6:47 AM
H. Nejat Seyhun - Investment Intelligence from Insider Trading11/13/2011 1:38 PM
H. Kroeger - Fractal Geometry in Quantum Physics6/28/2011 1:42 AM
H. James Harrington - Business Process Improvement6/28/2011 1:42 AM
H. Jack Bouroudjan - Secrets of the Trading Pros6/28/2011 1:42 AM
H. Gruber - The Economics of Mobile Telecommunications6/28/2011 1:42 AM
H. Dwight Comer - Measurement of Stock Prices and Stock Values6/28/2011 1:42 AM
H. Blavatsky - Studies in Occultism6/28/2011 1:42 AM