TC4S:\F\ForexMentor (\Pro Trader Complete Forex Course - AllStarFX by Chris Lori 12 CD\CD04\Media\bfddce25-3a32-4318-8f8a-674041f1411a\Video

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NameSizeDate Modified
9.1. What is an Economic Report.avi10,902 KB7/5/2007 5:43 PM
9.2. Regional Major Market Moving Reports.avi35,877 KB7/5/2007 5:43 PM
9.3. You Want to Trade NFP.avi70,198 KB7/5/2007 5:44 PM
9.4. What Can Happen at Fundy Time.avi14,309 KB7/5/2007 5:44 PM
9.5. Why The Wild Price Action.avi28,505 KB7/5/2007 5:44 PM
9.6. Pay Attention to Global Data Releases and Economics.avi18,231 KB7/5/2007 5:44 PM