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Wavelet-Based Testing for Serial Correlation of Unknown Form in Panel Models.pdf
413 KB
10/23/2005 12:59 AM
Uncertainty and Risk in Financial Markets.pdf
405 KB
10/23/2005 12:58 AM
The Econometrics of Ultra-high-frequency Data.pdf
131 KB
10/23/2005 12:35 AM
Subsampling Intervals in Autoregressive Models with Linear Time Trend.pdf
384 KB
10/23/2005 12:56 AM
Simple Finite Horizon Bubbles Robust to Higher Order Knowledge.pdf
127 KB
10/23/2005 12:35 AM
Repeated Games with Differential Time Preferences.pdf
189 KB
10/23/2005 12:42 AM
Rank Estimation of Transformation Models.pdf
133 KB
10/23/2005 12:36 AM
Quadratic Concavity and Determinacy of Equilibrium.pdf
222 KB
10/23/2005 12:44 AM
Modeling and Forecasting Realized Volatility.pdf
679 KB
10/23/2005 1:07 AM
Information in Securities Markets Kyle Meets Glosten and Milgrom.pdf
435 KB
10/23/2005 1:01 AM
Inference on Regressions with Interval Data on a Regressor or Outcome.pdf
207 KB
10/23/2005 12:43 AM
Inference in Censored Models with Endogenous Regressors.pdf
222 KB
10/23/2005 12:44 AM
Frontiers of Stochastically Nondominated Portfolios.pdf
165 KB
10/23/2005 12:38 AM
Estimation of Continuous-Time Markov Processes Sampled at Random Time Intervals.pdf
300 KB
10/23/2005 12:49 AM
Error Bands for Impulse Responses.pdf
392 KB
10/23/2005 12:56 AM
Do Markets Favor Agents able to Make Accurate Predictions.pdf
220 KB
10/23/2005 12:43 AM
Cursed Equilibrium.pdf
354 KB
10/23/2005 12:53 AM
Consistent Moment Selection Procedures for Generalized Method of Moments Estimation.pdf
149 KB
10/23/2005 12:37 AM
Choosing the Number of Instruments.pdf
227 KB
10/23/2005 12:44 AM
Bubbles and Crashes.pdf
291 KB
10/23/2005 12:49 AM
Band Spectral Regression with Trending Data.pdf
311 KB
10/23/2005 12:51 AM
Ambiguity, Risk, and Asset Returns in Continuous Time.pdf
272 KB
10/23/2005 12:47 AM
A Parametric Approach to Flexible Nonlinear Inference.pdf
443 KB
10/23/2005 1:02 AM
- Fourier Analysis.pdf
1,021 KB
10/15/2005 12:47 AM