TC4S:\2023_ICTLC\Vertex Investing + lastest Update\1. Course\1. Start Here

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NameSizeDate Modified
1. Intro.mp415,199 KB12/30/2021 9:01 PM
2. Basics Of Forex.mp415,607 KB12/30/2021 9:01 PM
3. Introduction to Charts.mp426,151 KB12/30/2021 9:00 PM
4. Market Structure _ Identifying Trend For Beginners.mp441,505 KB12/30/2021 9:01 PM
6. The Most Important Part Of Trading.mp446,472 KB12/30/2021 9:00 PM
7. Over To You - Starting Your Trading Journey.mp438,170 KB12/30/2021 9:00 PM
8. Introduction To Being a Fund Manager (FTMO).mp427,840 KB12/30/2021 9:00 PM