TC4S:\2023_ICTLC\Quantum Stone Capital 2021 |
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2021-03-30. Technical Tuesday. Contraction range.mp4 | 87,743 KB | 4/1/2021 3:48 PM |
2021-03-28. Market outlook. video_2021-04-01_17-47-05.mp4 | 1,048,364 KB | 4/1/2021 4:04 PM |
2021-03-23. Technical Tuesday. The_Sword_Candle_Refinement_of_Tops_and_Bottoms_using_Imbalance.mp4 | 180,653 KB | 4/1/2021 3:46 PM |
2021-03-22. Market outlook. 22nd March 2021.mp4 | 351,396 KB | 4/1/2021 3:58 PM |
2021-03-17. Technical Tuesday. 17th_March_2021_Subject_Understanding_what_to.mp4 | 56,314 KB | 4/1/2021 3:52 PM |
2021-03-17. Mid-Week review- 17th March 2021.mp4 | 172,946 KB | 4/1/2021 3:56 PM |
2021-03-14. Market outlook. 14th March 2021.mp4 | 279,787 KB | 4/1/2021 3:57 PM |
2021-03-10. Mid-week review 10.03.21.mp4 | 154,805 KB | 4/1/2021 3:56 PM |
2021-03-08. Market outlook. 8th March 2021.mp4 | 259,948 KB | 4/1/2021 3:56 PM |
2021-03-02. Technical Tuesday. The_use_of_contraction,_manipulation,_expansion.mp4 | 71,424 KB | 4/1/2021 3:52 PM |
2021-02-28. Market outlook. 1st March 2021 . Monthly to 5m.mp4 | 341,862 KB | 4/1/2021 3:58 PM |
2021-02-27. Sponsor candles 27-02-2021.mp4 | 94,417 KB | 4/1/2021 3:48 PM |
2021-02-24. Mid-week review. 25th February 2021.mp4 | 187,157 KB | 4/1/2021 3:56 PM |
2021-02-23. Technical Tuesday. How_to_capitalise_on_Daily_explosive_moves_through.mp4 | 118,839 KB | 4/1/2021 3:54 PM |
2021-02-22. Market outlook. 22nd February 2021.mp4 | 315,762 KB | 4/1/2021 3:57 PM |
2021-02-16. Technical Tuesday. Time and price.mp4 | 112,694 KB | 4/1/2021 3:54 PM |
2021-02-15. Market outlook. 15th February 2020.mp4 | 201,093 KB | 4/1/2021 3:55 PM |
2021-02-10. Mid-week review. 10th February 2021.mp4 | 209,201 KB | 4/1/2021 3:57 PM |
2021-02-09. Technical Tuesday. Refining entries..mp4 | 104,082 KB | 4/1/2021 3:54 PM |
2021-02-08. Market outlook. 8th February 2021.mp4 | 256,811 KB | 4/1/2021 3:56 PM |
2021-02-02. Technical Tuesday. Trade management + Importance of Risk to Reward.mp4 | 82,845 KB | 4/1/2021 3:53 PM |
2021-02-01. Market outlook.mp4 | 291,683 KB | 4/1/2021 3:57 PM |
2021-01-25. Technical Tuesday. Risk and waiting for opportunities. 25 01 2021 .mp4 | 65,089 KB | 4/1/2021 3:52 PM |
2021-01-22. Market outlook. 24th Jan 2021.mp4 | 204,560 KB | 4/1/2021 3:55 PM |
2021-01-19. Technical Tuesday. Gold breakdown - AOI.mp4 | 77,537 KB | 4/1/2021 3:52 PM |
2021-01-18. Market outlook.mp4 | 182,156 KB | 4/1/2021 3:54 PM |
2021-01-11. Market outlook.mp4 | 257,486 KB | 4/1/2021 3:56 PM |
2021-01-05. Technical Tuesday. How_to_hedge_two_different_currency_pairs_against.mp4 | 54,887 KB | 4/1/2021 3:51 PM |
PDF´S Quantum Stone Capital | | 8/24/2023 4:41 AM |