TC4S:\2023_ICTLC\Professional Trading With Institutional Supply & Demand\01 The Basics

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NameSizeDate Modified
010 What Type Of Trader Are You.pdf393 KB8/20/2018 5:05 PM
009 Supply and Demand 2.mp46,332 KB8/20/2018 5:09 PM
008 Supply and Demand.mp431,515 KB8/20/2018 5:09 PM
007 The fallacies of technical indicators.mp426,372 KB8/20/2018 5:09 PM
006 Trendlines and channels.mp419,289 KB8/20/2018 5:09 PM
005 Support and resistance chart walkthrough.mp410,390 KB8/20/2018 5:09 PM
004 Support and Resistance, Price Pivot Zones, BARs, A common SR fallacy..mp44,375 KB8/20/2018 5:09 PM
003 The really simple stuff and Price Action.mp45,587 KB8/20/2018 5:09 PM
002 Introduction Welcome.mp414,265 KB8/20/2018 5:09 PM
001 Legal Disclaimer.pdf46 KB8/20/2018 5:05 PM