TC4S:\2023_ICTLC\Diamant Capital - Technical & Fundamental 2023\4- Trade Management

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NameSizeDate Modified
More Courses...!.txt1 KB7/3/2023 12:14 PM
9- Intro to fundamentals .mp45,160 KB9/13/2022 10:11 AM
8- Trading Plan .mp415,359 KB9/13/2022 3:17 AM
7- Trading Live & Funded .mp49,974 KB9/13/2022 10:12 AM
6- Backtesting .mp49,070 KB9/13/2022 10:12 AM
5- Preparing for the week .mp47,354 KB9/13/2022 10:13 AM
4- Deciding which pairs .mp49,151 KB9/13/2022 10:14 AM
3- Increasing probability with confirmations.mp49,855 KB9/13/2022 10:14 AM
2- Taking profits .mp410,507 KB9/13/2022 10:15 AM
1- Risk management plan .mp410,110 KB9/13/2022 10:15 AM
0. Readme Me First.txt1 KB7/3/2023 12:14 PM