TC4S:\2023_ICTLC\Chris Capre - Advanced Ichimoku Trading Course v2 |
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Advanced Ichimoku Trading Course v2 Sub.rar | 6,575 KB | 11/5/2021 12:54 PM |
9.Advanced Ichimoku Perspectives - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 94,055 KB | 11/6/2021 6:11 AM |
8.Reading the Chikou Span - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 60,597 KB | 11/6/2021 5:40 AM |
7.Live Ichimoku Trade for +650 Pips on USDJPY - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 32,649 KB | 11/6/2021 5:15 AM |
6.Understanding Ichimoku Context - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 137,075 KB | 11/6/2021 5:04 AM |
5.Intro to Price Theory - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 167,959 KB | 11/6/2021 3:53 AM |
4.Intro to Wave Theory - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 135,825 KB | 11/6/2021 2:35 AM |
3.Intro to Time Theory - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 43,848 KB | 11/6/2021 1:31 AM |
24.Preparing For The Trading Day - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 59,808 KB | 11/6/2021 6:04 PM |
23.The Second Dart - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 139,417 KB | 11/6/2021 5:23 PM |
22.Building Your Skillset _ Accelerating Your Learning Curve - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 95,080 KB | 11/6/2021 4:17 PM |
21.Psychological Biases Which Kill Your Trading Performance - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 144,209 KB | 11/6/2021 3:26 PM |
20.The Brain, Negativity Bias and Why You Struggle to Make Money Trading - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 32,598 KB | 11/6/2021 2:19 PM |
2.Main Time Frames _ Descriptions We Work With - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 56,462 KB | 11/6/2021 1:13 AM |
19.Drawdowns _ Max Risk Models - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 96,894 KB | 11/6/2021 2:01 PM |
18.Ichimoku Trading The Enhanced TKx Setup - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 97,758 KB | 11/6/2021 1:23 PM |
17.The Risk of Ruin Formula - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 86,423 KB | 11/6/2021 12:46 PM |
16.Your Trading Edge, Expectancy and Trade Frequency - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 50,287 KB | 11/6/2021 12:17 PM |
15.Live Ichimoku K5 Setup AUDUSD - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 31,660 KB | 11/6/2021 11:53 AM |
14.Ichimoku Trading The K5 Setup - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 109,942 KB | 11/6/2021 11:42 AM |
13.Ichimoku Trading Wave 2 Setup - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 175,833 KB | 11/6/2021 10:49 AM |
12.Ichimoku Trading Wave 1 Setup - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 143,405 KB | 11/6/2021 8:16 AM |
11.Ichimoku Price Action Theory - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 74,884 KB | 11/6/2021 7:14 AM |
10.Intermediate Level Wave Analysis _ Theory - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 67,521 KB | 11/6/2021 6:43 AM |
1.Ichimoku Foundations You Must Know - 2ndSkies Trading_(new).mp4 | 81,069 KB | 11/6/2021 12:47 AM |