TC4S:\2023_ICTLC\CFI ESG\3. ESG Disclosure 33 Lessons 2h L2\4. Writing & Interpreting Disclosures

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NameSizeDate Modified
The Evolution of Sustainability Reporting - CFI.mp43,811 KB9/17/2022 3:06 AM
Preparing Disclosures - CFI..mp45,034 KB9/17/2022 3:06 AM
Leveraging ESG Disclosures - CFI.mp43,490 KB9/17/2022 3:06 AM
Interpreting Disclosure Quality - CFI.mp43,637 KB9/17/2022 3:06 AM
Guiding Principles - CFI.mp41,909 KB9/17/2022 3:06 AM
Developing Priorities - CFI.mp41,781 KB9/17/2022 3:06 AM
Best Practices - CFI.mp42,619 KB9/17/2022 3:06 AM
Benchmarking Company Performance - CFI.mp48,128 KB9/17/2022 3:06 AM