TC4S:\2022_3\Jeff - FX MindShift\Module 1 Foundation |
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9.How to Trade the M W Patterns.mp4 | 51,182 KB | 4/2/2020 1:39 PM |
8.EURUSD Analysis.mp4 | 36,393 KB | 4/2/2020 1:39 PM |
7.Fake Outs_.mp4 | 91,242 KB | 6/15/2020 11:10 PM |
7.Fake Outs.mp4 | 12,536 KB | 4/2/2020 1:39 PM |
6.Trends, Resets, Peaks.mp4 | 30,964 KB | 4/2/2020 1:39 PM |
5.How to Mark the Levels.mp4 | 39,151 KB | 4/2/2020 1:39 PM |
4.How to Identify the Levels.mp4 | 39,951 KB | 4/2/2020 1:39 PM |
3.Trade Setups - June 25th 2018.mp4 | 52,206 KB | 4/2/2020 1:39 PM |
2.Trade Setups, Entry Triggers.mp4 | 72,852 KB | 4/2/2020 1:38 PM |
10.Trading the Edge.mp4 | 31,265 KB | 4/2/2020 1:38 PM |
1.Intro to the Market Maker Cycle.mp4 | 52,256 KB | 4/2/2020 1:38 PM |