TC4S:\2022_3\Exact Trading - Forex Price Action Traders Training\02. Main Category
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Date Modified
06. Why Price Action Trading As Opposed To Trading With Indicators.mp4
370,336 KB
9/25/2019 4:17 PM
07. Price Action Breakout Strategies (Part 1).mp4
323,400 KB
9/25/2019 8:00 PM
08. Price Action Breakout Strategies (Part 2).mp4
641,244 KB
9/25/2019 9:32 PM
09. Trend Trading.mp4
216,155 KB
9/25/2019 9:39 PM
10. Trend Trading Take Profits (Part 1).mp4
72,062 KB
9/25/2019 10:16 PM
11. Trend Trading Take Profits (Part 2).mp4
99,393 KB
9/25/2019 10:00 PM
12. Round Numbers, Pivots & Confluence.mp4
218,070 KB
9/25/2019 10:30 PM
13. Trend Trading Chart Analysis.mp4
38,926 KB
5/21/2019 8:24 PM
14. Continuation Trading.mp4
33,101 KB
5/21/2019 8:25 PM
15. Reversal Trading.mp4
70,668 KB
5/21/2019 8:28 PM
16. Channel Trading.mp4
20,905 KB
5/21/2019 8:29 PM
17. London Breakout.mp4
114,555 KB
5/21/2019 8:30 PM