TC4S:\2022\Wholesaling Lease Options by Joe McCall\02.MAIN MODULES\Module 4 - Marketing For Buyers

Up one directory...
NameSizeDate Modified
6 - Questions.mp431,421 KB11/28/2022 1:26 PM
5 - How To Talk To Tenant-Buyers.mp429,754 KB11/28/2022 1:26 PM
4 - Best Places To Advertise For Tenant-Buyers.mp429,776 KB11/28/2022 1:25 PM
3 - Websites.mp4158,379 KB11/28/2022 1:26 PM
2 - Getting A Realtor To Market The Home.mp461,286 KB11/28/2022 1:25 PM
1 - The Checklist.mp453,816 KB11/28/2022 1:25 PM
Module 4 Bonus - Facebook Ads For Tenant-Buyers8/15/2023 10:18 PM