TC4S:\2022\Humbled Trader Academy_\Weekly Mentorship Webinar Recordings |
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Case Study Bagholder Daily Short Setup - Vince.ts | 108,156 KB | 1/16/2022 8:19 AM |
Finding Trade Setups in REAL Time - Shay (Dec 12, 2021).ts | 131,627 KB | 1/16/2022 8:18 AM |
Goal Setting for 2022 Trading - Shay (Jan 9, 2022).ts | 135,063 KB | 1/16/2022 8:20 AM |
Goal_Setting_for_2022_Worksheet-_Humbled_Trader_Academy.pdf | 115 KB | 5/18/2022 2:11 AM |
Mentorship Webinar Current market setups, manage bagholding positions, margin calculation Q_A - Shay (Dec 5, 2021).ts | 130,923 KB | 1/16/2022 8:18 AM |
Quick Look Understanding Market Sentiment - Luis (Nov 28, 2021).ts | 23,789 KB | 5/18/2022 2:09 AM |
Stages of a Trader_s Path to Profitability - Vince (Nov 14, 2021).ts | 74,788 KB | 1/16/2022 8:16 AM |
Weekly Mentorship Webinar - Luis (Nov 21, 2021).ts | 186,980 KB | 1/16/2022 8:17 AM |
Weekly Mentorship Webinar - Luis (Nov 28, 2021).ts | 85,310 KB | 5/18/2022 2:13 AM |
Weekly Mentorship Webinar - Orane (Jan 2, 2022).ts | 119,125 KB | 5/18/2022 2:11 AM |
Weekly Mentorship Webinar - Shay (Nov 7, 2021).ts | 113,308 KB | 1/16/2022 8:16 AM |