TC4S:\2019\Jonathan Wichmann - The Next Wealth Transfer - Investing in Gold and Silver\Section 5 Lectures in Response to Students

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NameSizeDate Modified - XAG-GBP Chart.png1,752 KB1/15/2020 4:49 AM
What Does Float Mean (in Stocks)- - TheStreet Definition.txt1 KB1/15/2020 4:46 AM
Pound Tumbles to 31-Year Low as Brexit Starts to Inflict Damage - Bloomberg.png9,240 KB1/15/2020 4:45 AM
FRB- How much U.S. currency is in circulation-.png620 KB1/15/2020 4:43 AM
20. The Case for Gold and Silver a Visual Presentation.mp431,099 KB1/14/2020 12:38 PM
19. Asset Classes Visual Show and Tell - How Dollars Chase Assets.mp428,794 KB1/14/2020 12:34 PM
18. Fed Doesn't Want to Raise Interest Rate - Response to Jared's Question.mp438,114 KB1/14/2020 12:30 PM