PDC4S:\2021-3\Jack Ellis\CIA Hypnosis package
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Date Modified
CIA Human Resource Exploitation Manual.pdf
3,998 KB
10/5/2017 8:57 PM
Instant Fact Report - Get the Truth Out of Anyone.pdf
195 KB
10/5/2017 8:57 PM
The Brainwashing Manual.pdf
134 KB
10/5/2017 8:57 PM
The Lie Behind the Lie Detector.pdf
500 KB
10/5/2017 8:57 PM
The Psychology of Interrogation and Confessions.pdf
5,105 KB
10/5/2017 8:57 PM
216 KB
10/5/2017 8:57 PM
US Army Intelligence Center - Questioning Techniques.pdf
278 KB
10/5/2017 8:57 PM
US Army Intelligence Interrogation.pdf
14,421 KB
10/5/2017 8:57 PM