PDC4S:\2018-2\Raising SuperLearners™ Prep Your Kids for Lifelong Learning\5. Reasoning
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Date Modified
6. Reasoning.html.XML
4 KB
2/19/2019 6:39 PM
5. Rules vs. Examples.vtt.XML
17 KB
2/19/2019 6:39 PM
5. Rules vs. Examples.mp4
87,495 KB
2/19/2019 6:39 PM
4. Learning to Structure Knowledge.vtt.XML
15 KB
2/19/2019 6:39 PM
4. Learning to Structure Knowledge.mp4
65,206 KB
2/19/2019 6:39 PM
3. Approaching Knowledge From Multiple Perspectives.vtt.XML
12 KB
2/19/2019 6:39 PM
3. Approaching Knowledge From Multiple Perspectives.mp4
51,220 KB
2/19/2019 6:39 PM
2. Asking the Right Questions.vtt.XML
14 KB
2/19/2019 6:39 PM
2. Asking the Right Questions.mp4
59,569 KB
2/19/2019 6:39 PM
1. Testing Boundaries.vtt.XML
16 KB
2/19/2019 6:39 PM
1. Testing Boundaries.mp4
69,415 KB
2/19/2019 6:39 PM